were part of the generation of the wasted youth. were growing up too fast, learning things too early, partying too hard, and living too fast. we dont know what to do with our money, have no moral values, and are shallow. and quite frankly im enjoying myself
last night we went to go see dr.acula somewhere thats not chicago. it was everything youd expect from a screamo show. scene kids, moshing, those groupies that are rude as hail. one funny thing throughout the night tho, was that some girl stuck a sign on a guys back and he never noticed the entire night. everyone laughed at him the whole time haha
im tired as heck and i havent showered in like 3 days everythings okay.
im gonna start a new DIY series since almost everything i own has been changed someway or another by me. about 15 minutes after posted the last blog post i started working on my coco de coeur inspired shirt. this is how you can make your own ! youll need an x-act0, stenicls of the words, a white shirt, black acrylic paint with a painbrush, and scissors.
color the back of your words with a pencil. i chose a handwritten font because i thought it would look better. put your paper on top of a folder or cardboard to make your stencil. outline your words with a pen so it copies onto the harder surface.
cut out the words and keep the insides of the a, e, d, etc because youll need that when your painting it on.
put the stencil on the shirt and start painting it.
i then cut the collar off the shirt and painted a diamond to the bottom.
making things myself is always fun and i have 2 new ideas for shirts that im working on
this amazing anatomy shirt that i saw on Cut Out & Keep. it seems like an easy enough shirt and i think it came out amazing ! im definitely trying this. I n s t r u c t i o n s H e r e
i also reallyyyy liked this shirt but it is $35 so i of course can make it myself. im trying to look for handwritten fonts because i think itll look better. butttt if you wanna buy this shirt or others, (theyre cool), go here: Coco De Coeur
nsfj has 3 followers. and that makes me really really happy. are my random thoughts and words actually getting out to someone ?! :O
on another note im extremely excited for the coco decoeur line to come out because i think the shirts are amazingggg.
and on that note of wasted youth, teh club kids 2kx will be back in action this summer throwing a lotta parties with awesome themes. we already have one in the making for next week !
and lastly i was going to post a new nsfj logo but photoshop just froze and murdered my computer...