while trying to paint a warped self portrait, i made the wrong skin color and made myself african american but i am still very proud of it !
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Today is my physics class we had to rub balloons on ourselves and put them on the wall. i couldnt help but start busting out laughing because this episode of SNL is my all time favorite
booked my ticket for new york this past weekend ! now im just trying to save up all of my money to spend it alllll on expensive crap that i dont need ! aggghhh cant wait !
i couldnt find my camera for like a week so most of these are from my phone ahaha and not interesting at all but seeing as i didnt post at all this past weekend, i want to update more !
DIDNT SEE THIS COMIN DID YA. i realized that i still had some studs left and when my grandpa gave me this awesome army jacket, i couldnt resist !!! ive also been rewatching freaks and geeks so i double resist. with the mix of the jacket and studs it was like if lindsay wier and coco de coeur had a baby.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
i feel like ive been making these non stop for the past week
i like finding random things to scan...
Sunday, February 13, 2011
I wonder if people are going to remember us? What, when we're dead? Yeah. Well I think people will talk about how you changed the world. I wonder what they'll say about you... in your obituary. I like that word. Nothing nice, I don't think. No no, come on. They'd say, "Edith Minturn Sedgwick: beautiful artist and actress... ...and all around loon. ...Remembered for setting the world on fire... ..and escaping the clutches of her terrifying family... ...Made friends with eeeeverybody, and anybody... ...creating chaos and uproar wherever she went. Divorced as many times as she married, she leaves only good wishes behind.
Saturday, February 12, 2011
poor mia just got surgery to remove a cyst in her side now she just looks ridiculous
finally wrapping up this series of what i did with a recent order of all kinds of studs. with these, i just added them on the knee of a pair of jeans. ive seen this before but the person had spikes instead of regular pyramid studs. the shirt that im wearing is my own drawing that ive posted before and finally transferred to a shirt.
ive realized that i never seem to dress according to wherever im going and ive become acustomed to people not being fans of how i look but it always seems to hit the hardest when its my own family constantly expressing the fact that they dislike the way i look and dont support me. i hate to get serious on my blog but i just realized that i hate feeling so odd around my family, where im supposed to be welcome.
well, it seems i have ended Stud City on a sad note, which i didnt plan on doing. SO THIS IS THE END, HOLLA.
Stud City has an official PART 2 ! i dunno why i wrote so much on the last one because now i have nothing to write for the second one ! i believe i will have to make a part 3 because i did more with these studs ! i used the left over giant ones from my other jacket to add onto this one and the left over smaller ones from this jacket to add on some jeans ! i need MORE
alll of my orders of studs came in and now theyre officially gone ! i used them all in about 2 days. haha so theres gonna be 2 posts that show the ridiculous amount of studs that i have added to everything i own.
CAN WE PLEASE MENTION THE WIERS HAND ON MY FOREHEAD IN THE FIRST PICTURE. i have been a victim of a burn on my forehead due to the Zeno hotspot. DARN YOU WHITNEY PORT for making it seems like it works !!!!!!!! it was death for my skin and i refuse to use it again. i dunno if it was really my fault and if i used it too much on one spot of my skin but STILL.